Traveling in his custom motor home transport, Rick brings everything
necessary to put on a full scale production - sound, lights, backdrop, and more.
All you need is a stage.
Professional sound gear ensures quality sound with careful attention to volume and clarity.
Rick adds professional lighting and special effects to give extra sparkle to the show.
And everyone loves Rick's industrial-sized bubble machines that can fill the room with bubbles.
Rick takes the stage in his custom-made purple tuxedo and red top hat and plays his specially
designed red guitar. You'll hear songs from the forties through the eighties as well as
some of Rick's great new original songs.
Throughout the show Rick
entertains the ladies with clean comedy based on themes familiar to Red Hat ladies. His
bit about the "Top Ten New Laws Signed By The First Woman President" is always a hit.
A highlight of the show is something Rick calls, "Crazy Hatters Appearing On Stage"
or "CHAOS".
In nearly every song in the show, Rick invites a group of Red Hatters
to join him on stage to sing, blow bubbles, shake maracas, and, of course, play kazoo.
Everyone at the show gets a FREE RED and PURPLE KAZOO.
And they're not just any kazoo, they
are the same kazoo as the "Official" Red Hat Society Kazoo.
Rick owns Kazoobie Kazoos
the only American manufacturer of quality plastic kazoos, and the supplier of the "Official"
Red Hat Society Kazoo.
Rick's finale brings the entire audience to its feet for a big kazoo-along.
From beginning
to end Rick Hubbard's Red Hat Kazoo Along show invites every lady in the audience to
live, laugh, and love.